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Is it possible to get diarrhea from eating chocolate chip cookies? The answer is yes. But how do you know if eating cookies is safe for you? First, check for hidden ingredients in packaged foods. Also, check for Eggnog and Lactose intolerance.
Then, choose freshly-baked cookies. After reading this article, you’ll be more informed about how to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. Lastly, be aware of other food safety concerns and look for ingredients in packaged food.
Hidden ingredients in packaged foods
Some people have unplanned side effects when they eat chocolate. These include diarrhea. However, such a occurrence is very rare. You may experience diarrhea if you have a food intolerance to certain ingredients found in chocolate. Listed below are some hidden ingredients in chocolate chip cookies that can cause diarrhea. Once you identify the culprit, you can avoid eating chocolate chip cookies and get back to your normal routine.
Many chocolate chip cookies contain high-FODMAPs (fructose monohydrate) which can cause diarrhea. Other ingredients that can cause diarrhea include corn syrup, dairy, soy, artificial flavors, guar gum, and gluten. Some of these ingredients are natural, while others are artificially-sweetened and cause flatulence. Some of them aren’t harmful to your health, but they can make you bloated, flat, and prone to diarrhea.
High-FODMAP foods
FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that can cause digestive distress. They feed the friendly bacteria in the gut, which results in increased gas and bloating. However, some individuals can be sensitive to these carbohydrates, which causes diarrhea. Here, you’ll learn what these foods are, and why they cause GI distress. Also, find out how to avoid them. Here are a few high-FODMAP foods to avoid:
FODMAPs are found in many foods, including fruits and natural sugar substitutes. However, they are not absorbed well in the small intestine. So, they may enter the colon through the large intestine, where the lining tissue is much larger. If absorbed, these substances can cause diarrhea that is watery in consistency. In addition, they may increase symptoms of IBS and trigger an outbreak.
People who have an intolerance to FODMAPs should avoid these foods. They can trigger symptoms in a variety of ways, but generally speaking, they can be a good way to eliminate the cause of diarrhea. Foods containing FODMAPs should be limited to small portions or in moderation. Some people may find that eliminating a large portion of FODMAPs from their diet is enough to eliminate symptoms. However, some people may not have an intolerance to all of these foods, and will find that they are no longer affected by these foods.
Lactose intolerance
While some people may assume that milk, chocolate chip cookies, and other dairy products can cause diarrhea, these foods may not be the cause of the problem. People with lactose intolerance may have symptoms two to twelve hours after eating the affected foods. Continuing to eat dairy products may cause chronic diarrhea. Another problem related to dairy products is celiac disease. This autoimmune disease damages the digestive tract and makes it difficult to detect the symptoms, which usually show up between two and four hours after eating a specific food.
There are several symptoms of lactose intolerance, including abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. The gastrointestinal symptoms associated with lactose intolerance can include diarrhea, bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps. While these symptoms may be embarrassing, they are not the same as the symptoms of a milk allergy. The stomach can also become distended and uncomfortable after eating dairy foods, making clothing less comfortable. In addition to diarrhea, people with lactose intolerance may experience abdominal pain, which can make it difficult to wear certain clothes.
If you’re planning to indulge in eggnog for the holidays, you’ll want to know what causes it. Eggnog contains sugar and fat, and about one-third of the daily recommended amount. You’ll also want to avoid pairing it with alcohol, which can make the digestive system more uncomfortable. So how do you avoid a stomach upset? Read on to learn how. But before you start guzzling eggnog, make sure you avoid eating chocolate chip cookies as well.
Luckily, eggnog and chocolate chip cookies aren’t the only foods that cause diarrhea and stomachaches. The ingredients in these two holiday foods aren’t always obvious, though. In addition to milk, chocolate chip cookies also contain cream, which is full of fat and calories. Some people have difficulty digesting the sugar in milk, so these foods can cause stomachaches and diarrhea. However, if you’re a lactose-intolerant person, you may still have issues with dairy products.
Uncooked cookie dough
Several recent outbreaks of E. coli and salmonella linked to raw cookie dough have caused serious illness and even death in children. Most of the victims were children and teenage girls. While the cause is unknown, the dough was contaminated with a bacterial strain that causes bloody diarrhea and stomach cramps. While most people recover in a week, some do not. So, it is important to always check a label before consuming raw dough.
Besides the risk of diarrhea, it is also dangerous to eat raw dough, since most doughs contain eggs that can harbor harmful germs. Even “bleached” flour can be contaminated with bacteria and viruses that cause illness. So, if you want to avoid getting sick from eating raw cookie dough, you should purchase it from a grocery store. Store-bought dough is more safe to consume because the eggs are pasteurized and heat-treated.
While cooking the dough completely destroys any pathogens, eating it raw is still dangerous. E. coli is one of the most common bacterial infections in the world and causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. While most cases are mild, they can cause kidney failure in people who have compromised immune systems or are under age. Fortunately, most people recover after eating it, but it’s important to remember that uncooked chocolate chip cookie dough is still a risk.
Salmonella in raw cookie dough
Eating uncooked cookies and brownie batter may contain a germ called Salmonella. This bacteria can make you ill and even cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The symptoms of this bacterial infection generally develop two to eight days after the germ is swallowed. In most cases, you’ll experience diarrhea and abdominal cramps, though it’s possible to get serious kidney failure, which can be fatal. Pregnant women, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems are at highest risk for becoming sick from contaminated egg products.
It’s estimated that one out of six Americans gets food poisoning each year. And every year, more than 3,000 people die due to food-borne illnesses. Last year, Salmonella was the leading cause of death from food-borne illnesses. Thankfully, this strain didn’t make the top five list. Despite the fact that it’s a serious health risk, many people who ate infected raw chocolate chip cookie dough are unlikely to have a serious infection.
Sugar-free snacks
You may have heard of sugar-free cookies and other sugar-free foods, but did you know that they can actually cause diarrhea? That’s right, sugar substitutes, such as aspartame and sucralose, can act like laxatives and contribute to diarrhea. But it’s not all sugar substitutes. Artificial sweeteners can also cause diarrhea. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Maltitol is a substitute for sugar in many foods, including sugar-free cookies. This sweetener is made from wheat, tapioca, and corn and is 75 percent sweeter than sugar. But in high enough quantities, it can cause bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Fortunately, most people don’t have an adverse reaction to maltitol, but consuming too much can cause digestive problems.
If you don’t have diarrhea yet, writing down everything you eat and drink every day will help you pinpoint the culprits and prevent recurring episodes. In addition to a food diary, you can also take the time to consult a doctor to rule out other conditions. In many cases, diarrhea will go away within a few days, but if it continues, or becomes progressively worse, see a doctor.
Chewing gum
Some foods can cause diarrhea, such as citrus fruits, fatty meats, and buttery desserts. While they contain fiber, sugar-free gum and chocolate chip cookies can cause diarrhea in some people. Also, sugar-free gum may have laxative effects when combined with other triggering foods. Fast food is another common culprit. While sugar-free gum contains sorbitol, it can also cause diarrhea.
Many sugar-free gums and cookies contain sorbitol, a form of carbohydrate that is not well-digested by the body. Too much sorbitol can cause diarrhea, and it’s best to stick to small amounts. In a single day, sugar-free gum and chocolate chip cookies contain about 100 grams of sorbitol. However, excessive use can cause bloating, pain, and cramping in the abdomen.
To prevent recurring episodes of diarrhea, write down everything you eat for a day. Write down the types of foods that trigger your symptoms. By doing so, you’ll be able to find out what common culprits are and save yourself the discomfort. GI doctors have provided these common culprits for your information. It’s important to avoid these foods and stay away from them. These foods can cause diarrhea and bloating.